HBCE Message from Chair – May 2020
Message from Chair May 2020
Just a quick update from me, I know I have been quiet but these times are very strange not only personally but generally for the UK.
Many of us are working from home, which for some is not easy, and some of our colleagues are “furloughed”. Those working are trying to maintain their business, hoping to come out the other side.
One of the biggest fears is doing loads of work for clients and not getting paid which affects cash flow and stability of companies.
Turning now to our club, we are just treading water at this particular time, our secretary is furloughed, hence I am doing this myself. I am of the opinion we cannot meet up or organise events in these difficult times, but there may be light at the end of the tunnel towards the end of the year. Therefore, I doubt if we will hold our AGM in the near future.
You may wonder “where is my invoice to pay” but I haven’t raised them yet, I will think about them closer to time we open up again. To be fair the annual membership fee may well be pro rata.
Finally, some really good news, we have a new member David Sandford from Letchmore Construction, I am sure you will give him a warm welcome when we do meet up.
Please feel free to contact me on 07825 216676.